Saturday, November 23, 2019

So... If Epstein didn't kill himself, is he still alive?

By John Kubicek

November 23, 2019

There was something that I wrote, almost two months ago, that is still receiving a lot of views. I was trying to figure out why, and my curiosity is partly satisfied, as I kept seeing the #EpsteinDidntKillHimself hashtag on Twitter, on a very regular basis. I am pretty sure that many people besides me, and you, are kind of thinking, there is something much bigger going on, and we haven't been able to determine what it is.  Well, perhaps I can put some additional perspective on the apparent "suicide" question of a once convicted sexual predator by the name of Jeffrey Epstein.

Well, yes, in that last post, I did advise all of the readers to forget that they read it. I would kind of like to, but I can't! I'm no longer afraid to express my feelings about the possibility that he has been put in Witness Protection. I am sure that if I thought of it, those that wanted him silenced have by now, too. So, what do you say, let's return to the conversation between you and your significant other, about 2 months later, after meeting the new neighbor.

"Honey, this coffee is tasting so good this morning," you exclaim to your wife on a cool November morning, while checking the headlines on the news pages you check every morning.

She looks up from her laptop, and shakes her head, "Yes, it was so much work to make that coffee, like I do about every morning."

Of course, you know where she was going with that.  You need to tell her how much you appreciate what she does just to get the day started off right. "Why, of course, that trip you made to Columbia to gather the coffee beans, and then grind them up, and measure out the perfect amount, to put into the coffee maker... " Ooops, you know right then that you probably sounded way too sarcastic for so early in the morning, and you realize that it would be best to zip the mouth for a bit.

But before you even get the coffee cup back up to your mouth, she says, "Honey, I'm thinking, more and more, you could have been right."

"Hmmm? What?" you ask, not knowing where she was going.

"I'm seeing the hash-tag thing, everywhere, when I was scanning through Twitter this morning. It is kind of odd," and she pauses to take a sip of her coffee.

"What hash-tag thing?" you ask.

"You know," she says, obviously annoyed that you didn't know, "that hash-tag 'Epstein didn't kill himself' thing. There are road signs where somebody had hacked them or something. I don't know, but I just did this google search, honey, and the stories about the Epstein conspiracy theories are everywhere..."

You look at her, happily sipping more of your coffee, and you're ready to reply, but her pause ends.

"Honey, don't you remember the days when we watched the 'X-Files,' and you explained a few things to me, like about the smoke and mirrors? The government, when they were doing some kind of black op, that they did their best to divert your attention to the 'shiny object in their other hand'?  This seems just like that, if you ask me!"

Wow, she's really getting into this, you're thinking. (And she remembered those X-Files days!) Well, let's see where she is going with this, you think to yourself. It should be interesting. So you ask, "What, sweetheart, makes you think that anything that is reported in the mainstream news about Epstein, could be bogus?"

"This, honey, this thing that I haven't been able to find anything about a death notice." With a frown on her face, she turns to you and asks, "Why can't I find an obituary for Epstein on google, one where they give the time and location of various services?"

"Oh, it's probably there somewhere..." you mention, but you can tell she wants to continue with her thoughts.

"Sure, maybe if I keep on clicking on 'next page' - for eternity - but wouldn't you think that an actual obituary would show up at the top?  Oh, man, you should see this, so many stories about conspiracy theories and debunking those theories.  Honey, how do we know what is true?"

Before you can even open your mouth to respond to her question, she sends you a photo.

Her caption states, "My only evidence that there was emergency medical treatment, but this is not proof of anything. Look, you really wouldn't even know this was Epstein lying on that gurney! Remember the ABC video of bombing in Syria that was really something here in the states about three years ago? That military training exercise thing? Reeeeealy? That could be anybody, and it could be totally staged!"

Your jaw drops practically to the floor.  "This woman is really getting into this!" you think.

But, back to the questions that we all have, now. Is Epstein dead by suicide or homicide? Or, is Epstein alive, and living on an island, as a free man? Or, is he in a neighborhood somewhere, in witness protection?

The government would have a lot of wonderful reasons to get Epstein out of the cell, and into a protection program, to be a government witness somewhere down the road.  Wouldn't we all celebrate if that was the case? I can see it as a fast way to "drain the swamp!" if you know what I mean.

"Honey," she says, totally interrupting your deep thoughts, "I really do think it would be a good idea for us not to tell the media that the perv is living across the street from us..."

Hoping she's right, because there is the theory he's now living in the Middle East. But just read all of the stories, you (we) will have no way of proving what happened, for sure. Don't feel alone. We're all in that boat. I can guarantee, there is more to come.

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