Saturday, April 18, 2009

Distractions, Distractors, and Detractors

By John Kubicek

It is frustrating to be in the situation I'm in. Being somebody that follows the news on a regular basis (okay, I'm a news junkie!), I also have a desire to venture into the blogosphere. In my other blog, Blogging In Our Time 2 Escape, I am doing my best to help you, my loyal readers, to follow along with the stories that are affecting our ultimate destiny.

And the Time 2 Escape blog is just the tip of the iceberg. I also contribute extensively to (TheREALjohnny2k) and (johnny2k). The only thing holding me back from doing a lot more with those two sites is the time limitation. If I didn't have to sleep, eat, or go to work, that 24 hour per day thing still wouldn't be enough to accomplish all I am inspired to do.

Speaking of being inspired, there is this other thing where I also want to write my own essays from time to time, as I am doing here, or on my other blog, The Cross Tribe Network. Hey, there is nothing like spreading myself too thin. But worse yet, I'm overwhelmed with all that could be written about. Some would call it Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), but I call it Distractions, Distractors, and Detractors (DDD). I will now explain the great difficulties that I encounter with this dreadful syndrome.


It was Easter morning, and I was watching the news, when I saw a story on Fox & Friends which perked my interest. I just happened to have recorded it so that I could put it up on

I was so totally into that story, and I was getting ready to write about it on this blog, until something else happened that glorious Resurrection Sunday... As you saw at the end of the above video, there was a situation that was coming close to a climax. Just as the above video was being uploaded to, Capt. Phillips of the Maersk Alabama was being rescued from his captors. So much for being able to write the blog I was planning for the Limbaugh video. It was such an uplifting moment that captured America's complete attention, and mine!

I would never accuse the Obama administration of trying to distract us just after the great interview David Limbaugh had with Fox & Friends. That would have to be a conspiracy plot way beyond any one's imagination... even mine. I'm just saying, it had to be a coincidence.

(We do need to remember that our distractions are usually self-imposed.)

Allow me to put it this way to make my point: Barack Hussein Obama could have publicly announced that the Illuminati had just elected him as leader of the New World Order, and the story wouldn't have made a ripple in the news compared to what happened last Easter morning. What could ever compare to Navy SEALS taking out three pirates and saving the captive sea captain, while waves were tossing about both of the vessels? It was a great story, and I was diverted from anything else that day.

There are many things that can divert our attention in life. While many of our distractions are self-imposed, some aren't. To make my point, let me just show you several parts of the definition of "distraction" that I found on

mental distress or derangement: That child will drive me to distraction.

that which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment: Fishing is his major distraction.

that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration: The distractions of the city interfere with my studies.

division or disorder caused by dissension; tumult.

( Unabridged ~ Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.)

Oh, by the way, also included at, was "Synonyms: madness, lunacy, insanity, craziness." How crazy is that? (I had to wonder.)


In an initial draft of the story about what David Limbaugh said in the above video, I was going to use the word, "distractor". That word came up as a misspelling in my word processing program of choice. I assumed that noun to mean "a person (or group) who distracts people (from the truth)." However, I found it to have a different meaning when I again referred to I came up with the following:
One of the incorrect answers presented as a choice in a multiple-choice test.
(The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition ~ Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.)

Now, think about it. When you were in school, you'd be taking a test, and there was that "distractor" as one of your choices in a multiple choice question. The most effective "distractors" were the ones that sounded like they could be a viable choice. That's right, those darn teachers could be so sly.

But this doesn't just apply to tests in your school days. Distractors are another diversionary tactic. Ask any military commander. Or, ask anyone involved in the battle for the hearts and minds of the people... er, I mean the sheople. It is kind of like feeding enemy spies with misinformation to present another possible "option," just like the distractor quesiton on a test.

And once again, I am able to provide yet another video that will illustrate my point. This is a case where our President had a little faux pas in diplomatic protocol. The President should not "bow" to anyone. Yet, his minions were throwing out explanations as fast as they could, hoping that one would stick. Those explanations were what I'd call, "Distractors":

And even Geraldo admits it (@ about 3:42), "keep spinning it, and spinning it..."

In other words, there can be more than one "distractor" in a multiple choice question on a test.


I know this is the part of this essay you've been looking forward to reading about, just as much as I couldn't wait to write about it. How would the word "detractor" be related to "Distractions" and "Distractors"? I'll tell you after the following videos, assuming my brain hasn't imploded by then:

This "little" rally of about 400 people uplifted me. However, Rahm Emanuel had apparently been very busy on the phone, and gave the marching orders: Not just to the administration cronies such as Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, but also to the media minions. They certainly seem to have the art of detraction down to a science:

That video above fits the Random House definition of "detractor" perfectly: "the act of disparaging or belittling the reputation or worth of a person, work, etc."

Between the liberal left-biased news media minions and Janet Napolitano calling all of us that attended the rallies "a threat," it seems to me that there seems to be a tyranny forming that threatens our freedom. When the diversionary tactics begin to bow down to the level of having to disparage the opponent with mass propaganda, you have to figure it is their last desperate attempt to win the war for the hearts and minds of the "sheople."

You are not sheople anymore, now that you understand the "Distractions, Distractors, and Detractors" tactics that the enemies of our freedom will use. And by the way, sorry that I ... er... distracted you from the point that David Limbaugh made in the video at the top of this page, that Obama may be a Socialist.

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