Monday, January 27, 2020

The Message For Myself: Keep working on it...

Tonight (this morning for some of you), I watched @JjMcNown's message on, called "How to live life with STRENGTH. And how to finish STRONG." It was an older one from when he was pastoring Foundation Church Portland, via Fortis Media. It sent a message to me, beyond any of my expectations. JJ is talking about Jacob, and what he was able to tell his children (at some point) before his death.

Seriously, I really had to share this with you today!  Really. Seriously. None of us know how long we are going to be given on this earthly plane.  We all heard about Kobe Bryant's tragic death today, but there were other families, too, that lost loved ones. One family lost three.  For those of us that have children, maybe a generation or two down from us, what would we tell them if we were on our death bed, or knew we'd be gone soon? No. We don't know.  Too morbid? Too soon? Sorry. Well, really, not sorry.  I know this is a struggle for many people to know what to want for our children.  But, after you see this video, and what JJ is telling us here, you may know exactly what it is you are supposed to tell them. And you will know why.

Now, for some of the readers of this column, you may want to go back to the beginning of this video, and see something that I thought was noticeable. JJ McNown seems to be struggling to find the right words at first. He admits to struggles in his own life, where he needs the armor of God. Here is a verse that I know helped him through those trying days.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ~ Ephesians 6:12-13 NIV
And now, for an encore, I bring you a song that I just wrote while playing by ear, when I was struggling with finding my purpose. This was back last Summer, when I had lost a love of my life. I wanted to be the right guy, but found out I wasn't. Very long story. But playing music, and sharing it, made me feel like I could stand my ground. Here's the song:

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