Tuesday, January 14, 2020

To me, Epstein's death sounds like a pre-meditated lie

By John Kubicek

January 13, 2020

Here's a quick confession that I must now write out-loud: I'm still infatuated with the Jeffrey Epstein "death" story. Well, okay, maybe "infatuated" wasn't the right word, being who the subject of this series is about. So, let's go with "obsessed," instead. What I want to do in this final - hopefully - episode in this series that began in August 2019, with "Meet your new neighbor: Why, he looks just like...", followed by my post, "So... If Epstein didn't kill himself, is he still alive?" posted in November, 2019, is to explain my obsession.

First of all, these posts aren't meant to convince you of anything other than there is circumstantial evidence, in the form of facts - Key word: Circumstantial - that might make you say, "Hmmmm..."

"Hmmmm... ," just comes out without you meaning any verbal communication, but the better half looks up from her laptop.

"What's on your mind this morning?" she asks, knowing that while it's still early in the morning, you're really on to something... "Already?" she asks.

"Well, yes, already," you reply, "and yes, there is something on my mind that seems to be an obsession... We may need to have a talk about that," you say with a wry smile and a wink.

"Honey," you say with a quick shift to seriousness, "what is something that we would really like to see, but never seem to get? Justice, in where elites get taken down? Finally? And I mean, we're talking about the really deep state."

You were on a very passionate rant, which was surprising for so early in the morning, with less than a cup of coffee so far. And you continue, more in the way of deep thought.

"I guess it was when we watched that 60 Minutes segment about Epstein's death. There were so many things that said to me, well, it's like they're doing all they can to say he is dead, whether by suicide or he was 'suicided,' but they're hiding the other side of the coin! We're being focused on his death, when it could be something totally different!"

"You're on to something there, my darling, but I really hope it's because you're a sane genius!" Yes, that's the way you know that she's paying attention, you're thinking, as a big smile comes across your face.

You're ready to state your "sane genius" theory, and you place your Trump2020 coffee cup back on the table.  You're ready, time to spill the whole theory.

"There were a lot of reasons for President Trump to replace Jeff Sessions with William Barr.  I think the big one is that he needed an AG, and a handful of people that the President could trust, to look into some very evil things, that wouldn't be intimidated. Being that the most evil crime we've known about is the international child sex trafficking going on, and that there may be many well connected people involved in it, a difficult challenge was looming. Are you following me so far?," you ask.

"Well.... Okay, yes, doing my best... Can I warm up your coffee for you?" But she was doing her best not to interrupt your thought train.

"Sure, more stimulation is needed," you kind of sarcastically answer, and then continue. "What if Epstein was an inside informant? What if he had been working undercover since his last conviction for a sex crime? That would be totally weird, but hey, this whole thing seems weird!" You know you're on a roll, and you continue.  "I would imagine that the government would want to keep Epstein alive as a future witness. I can really hear them saying, 'We need to keep Epstein alive,' and the plan to get him out of the MCC hell-hole was hatched."

You look over the coffee cup you're sipping on, and see that she's in deep thought, and probably ready to say something, so you pause for a moment. You're right, and she has a thought to interject.

"So, if Epstein was alive, there would be an all out effort to make people think he's dead, and it seems to be working! Because... it seemed to me that there seemed to be ample evidence he is room temperature. Right... Well, until you kind of started making me think about it... There's a good motive for it."

Yes, there is only one way any of this could have happened. It would have had to have been planned out, so that we'd be convinced of a suicide, or a murder, and definitely, his death; but never consider that Epstein is still alive.  But if I'm right, can you imagine the horror on the faces of the people that see John Durham in their peephole?

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